Monday, July 8, 2013

This is Kathmandu!

Arriving in Kathmandu, especially for someone who has never been to Southeast Asia, can only be described as an experience. When I arrived, hopped in a small cab with several other volunteers, and left the airport grounds, the sights and sounds of the city enthralled me. All I can remember of my first taxi ride was staring out the window -both fascinated and terrified-  as the driver wove in and out of traffic constantly honking at other cars.

During my trip, I had the opportunity to observe the ins and outs of the city and truly appreciate the functional chaos and beautiful people that make up Kathmandu. Here are some pictures of daily life that hopefully give a small glimpse of Nepal.

Animals were just as much of a presence on the streets as people- cows (holy in the Hindu religion), dogs, cats, goats, rats, you name it....

The architecture in Kathmandu was inspiring. Many of the buildings from hundreds of years ago are still standing. But, instead of being saved as museums or preserved as historical artifacts, these ancient buildings are homes and businesses used every day.

Religion is present in every element of daily life for many Nepalis. You cannot walk two city blocks without passing an altar or stupa. Every morning while walking to school, I watched women and children leaving offerings of flowers and food at ancient altars.

Instead of being cooped up in offices from 9 to 5, many Nepali people live their life on the street. Adults sit in their storefronts selling and repairing goods while children play on their way home from school.

After spending time in Kathmandu, the most memorable aspect was the city's vibrant spirit. Everyone I had the pleasure to encounter was so kind and compassionate. I would love the opportunity to return!   

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