Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Places | Surviving Jonas

After a full week of hype, Winter Storm Jonas hit the DC area this past weekend. We ended up getting a bit over 2 feet, and the entire region shut down for about four days. So this week's "place" is my own house :)

Following a very emotional few days dealing with a loss in the family, it was perfect timing to hunker down and spend a few days Netflix-binging and snuggling with CJ and two adorable doggies.
Here are my tips for fully embracing Mother Nature's excuse to relax:

1. Pancakes. Lots of pancakes. The best part of the blizzard weekend is cooking pancakes two mornings in a row. While everyone at the grocery store was stocking up on toilet paper and milk, I was buying pancake mix. The more toppings the better.

2. The more furry animals the better. Max's cousin was with us for the weekend as well, and I soaked up every minute of cuddles on the couch.

On Saturday, in the middle of the storm, we made the 3/4 mile trek to my friend's place to hang out. They have an adorable boxer/Boston terrier mix so the visit did double duty as a doggy play date too.

On our trek out of the house, we also learned that poor Max doesn't have a future as a sled dog...

3. Make sure you have a good Netflix series on tap! We got through almost every episode of Making a Murderer in 3 days. I'd recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it - definitely poses a lot of questions about our justice system. The stars must have aligned, because as soon as we got tired of that, it was time to watch the AFC and NFC championship games.

4. And a good book. I just finished a book, Barnes and Noble was closed, and I left my kindle at my parent's house. Good thing I got the complete Harry Potter series for Christmas :) I started re-reading it, and am halfway through the first book.

5. Find a boyfriend who is willing to brave the snow. CJs coffee craving is stronger (and more high maintenance) than mine, so the grocery store brand grounds I had on hand weren't cutting it. Can't beat a guy who is willing to brave blizzard conditions for a cup of Peers.

6. Accumulation over 12 inches is an excuse to drink excessive amounts of alcohol. All day with absolutely nothing to do? Don't mind if we do. We had fun drinking beers and Moscow mules with our friends, playing board games, and watching old Star Wars movies.

7. It's also an excuse to eat excessive amounts of junk food.  Taquitos, frozen pizza, chips, cookies, all of the above.

Hope you had a great blizzard weekend and enjoyed the excuse to relax!

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