Tuesday, January 19, 2016

This Blogging Thing

I've always been a pretty low-achiever when it comes to this blog. Or maybe more like someone with lofty goals who just doesn't want to put in the work. I spend way too much time reading blogs, but haven't really gone after making this space of mine something I'm proud of or worked to build it.

My main intention of starting this site was to chronicle my trips - mostly for myself, but also for a few of my family members (Hi Grandma!). To be able to look back in a year or two and remember all of the little things about each one.

In doing that, I've realized that even though trips are awesome, there are millions of little things in between each one that actually end up being the big things. Like studying at coffee shops, eating gyros in the park, and binging on Netflix with CJ and the pup.

Unfortunately, I don't get to travel all of the time (some day!), but do care a lot about a few other things that I'd like to write about: running, cooking, reading, and working through my MPH program.

Long story short, I want to make an effort to make this blog a priority. Not just another item on my insanely overambitious Type A to-do list, but something I actually enjoy. My goal is to post regularly and making an effort to:
  • Enjoy the everyday moments between big trips
  • Interact with other bloggers I "stalk" and learn from them
  • Take time to make writing/journaling/listmaking, which I do constantly anyways, an actual hobby and stress reliever
  • Hold myself accountable to take chances and do big things
A little bit about me for anyone I don't know (just in case!) - I graduated from undergrad two and a half years ago and started working at a healthcare consulting company shortly there after. I have learned so much from it and love my work, but also have big dreams about working in the global health field and changing the world :) I started my Masters in Public Health Nutrition into he fall of 2014, and have three(!) semesters to go until graduation.

My boyfriend, puppy, and family are my world. I like to run (most of the time), travel, and veg out when I have a free minute. I'm a compulsive list maker and planner. I sometimes have trouble taking it easy and enjoying the moment, but I'm trying! I have a lot of goals for the next few years and am excited to see where they take me.

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