Friday, February 5, 2016

2.5 | Life Lately

This past week was spent finally getting back into my routine after the snowstorm-that-never-ended. Back into a regular exercise routine, cooking food other than frozen Trader Joe pizzas, and working from somewhere other than my couch. It was nice to have a few days of forced relaxation, but I was eager to get back to normal. Not that having this as your office is all that bad :)

Other than the daily grind, I've been:

Eating: Lots of random veggie and grain homemade dinners. They kind of look like throw up on a plate but I swear they taste good!

Tilapia burrito bowl

Pasta, breaded eggplant, mushrooms, peppers and soy meatballs.

Reading: I'm spending my evenings curled up with Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. I was a Harry Potter nerd growing up and have read each book multiple times, but they just don't get old.

Running: Outside, finally! This was my first run after the snowstorm and it was heavenly. The paths weren't clear but the road was empty and it was so nice to actually be active after a week of Netflix.

Loving: The chance to finally have a slow weekend morning. This waffle/egg combo was clutch.

Cuddling: With this cute duo.

Thankful for: Views like this. And having a pup who is pretty darn cute, even though he wakes me up at the crack of dawn before the sun is all the way up.

Have a great weekend!

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